With Dropwing's deep experience with UNIX server systems and the Windows desktop and server software, many of our customers find that we are ideally suited to help them design, deploy and manage their Internet Presence. Most companies find themselves trying to stay competitive by offering their customers services such as company e-mail communications and web sites with timely and helpful information, while still preserving the security of a private network for their own information assets.
The systems designed by Swan Networks have provided reliable, secure Internet environments for our customers. We have not had a single security breach at any of our customers, uptime for our web servers and e-mail servers is above 99%, and our customers enjoy robust anti-spam and anti-virus mail filtering which helps protect their valuable document assets from malicious software of all types.
Here are some of our Internet service accomplishments:
  • Fully functional, dynamic web sites driven by PHP, CGI, Perl and Java JSP technology
  • Convenient web-based e-mail access for company employees
  • VPN deployment for remote offices, traveling laptop users and home based employees
  • Integration of website content with customer databases for up to the minute business information